CSC Screen


In CSC, we always care about how our business impacts our environment, including carcinogenic discharge, marine biology, pollution, and ozone depletion. Our E1 Program started in 2007 and was founded on our belief of a “better world for us tomorrow starting with ourselves today”.

Our business philosophy is to ensure that our products are not detrimental to mankind and our environment, and we strongly practice this across all our business activities. Upon our further afford in making a greener ink technology and our environmental concern, we have developed our latest technology in reemulsifying polymer in 2016 which we name it as REi Technology. CSC REi technology is a proprietary technology by CSC in providing a glycol-free solution for textile printing industry.

Glycol which categorized as VOC like Ethylene glycol (EG) is commonly used as a slow drying agent in water-based ink on the market. Ethylene glycol (EG) is listed as a Toxic Air Contaminant (TAC) and Hazardous Air Pollutant (HAP) under state and federal regulations of United State. EG and its vapors can be toxic to humans. Unprotected exposure may cause irritation to skin, eyes, nose, throat and lungs, and allergic reactions are possible. Overexposure to Ethylene glycol may lead to nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, and respiratory impairment. Repeated overexposure can permanently damage the liver and kidneys. Check out the video below on how REi technology help in providing a glycol-free printing production.

Advantage of REi Technology in Screen Printing and Digital Ink:

REi Technology Video